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Project | 01 Study Skills Workshops 


I developed and taught a six-part Study Skills Workshop Series for San Jose State University. It was beautiful to see students' eyes lighted up about things like reviewing notes daily can reduce study time by 50% and you can take notes based on your learning style.

Study Skills

Note-Taking Workshop 

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Stress Management Workshop

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Finals Week Workshops 

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Project | 02 




(Study Skills,

Time Management & Organization) 

Open Books
I love doing research about executive functioning and applying the theories to my coaching work.  I really enjoy reinventing the coaching perspective every time I work with a new student because no two students are the same.  I love learning more about students, and I take joy in the process of tailoring educational solutions that fit students like a glove.  Savor some fun educational moments below!

Homework Managment 


Creating Work-Life Balance 

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A college student creating his own semester schedule, balancing school, work, and internship.

A 7th Grader’s Productivity Mantra

"Don't stress, have a plan." Student used quote wall to defeat procrastination. 

Do, Doing, and  Done Board

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Getting it in writing and getting it done!  A college student’s go-to for organization and time management. 

After School Constitution

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A high schooler outlined after school routines to maximize productivity.

An Organization Pictogram 

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5 foundational truths about organization, created by a 10th grader.

The Ribbons of Time Management 

A 7th grader cut the ribbons of time to gain real time awareness.  Can we measure out 24 hours a day with sparkly ribbons?  Yes!  After homework, dinner, breaks, how much time do we have left?  I hope you find out! 
EF Coaching

Project | 03 Universal Design of Learning (UDL)

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I am a firm believer in giving students multiple outlets to demonstrate their understanding of the learning content.  All students should be given the equal chance to learn and grow to their fullest potentials. My UDL project is about providing students flexible learning models to process and apply what they have learned.   Here are some diverse learning moments. 

The Divine Marriage Between Words
My student married "visually" with "exciting."  And they lived happily ever after!

Literary Analysis &

Textual Evidence

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A student enthusiastically analyzed textual evidence in a poem.


A student used pictures to remember words' meanings.

Literary Analysis Paragraph

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A middle schooler defends a compelling 
theme for a complex, short story. 
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